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Verified Buyer
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Reviewed on Feb 18, 2022
Perfect mattress
I’ve never bought a mattress online before and was a little skeptical. This mattress arrived in days with clear instructions to air out and let it fully inflate. With other mattresses in the past, my husband and I have had to get used to a new feel whenever we switch to a new mattress. On our first night on this mattress- we slept like babies. We’ve now had it for 3 months and I couldn’t be happier! Both my husband and I are equally happy with this mattress- he prefers more firm and I prefer softer. This mattress is the PERFECT combination. We sleep well and I have had less pain from my fibromyalgia since sleeping on it. I recommend this mattress highly!
Perfect mattress
I’ve never bought a mattress online before and was a little skeptical. This mattress arrived in days with clear instructions to air out and let it fully inflate. With other mattresses in the past, my husband and I have had to get used to a new feel whenever we switch to a new mattress. On our first night on this mattress- we slept like babies. We’ve now had it for 3 months and I couldn’t be happier! Both my husband and I are equally happy with this mattress- he prefers more firm and I prefer softer. This mattress is the PERFECT combination. We sleep well and I have had less pain from my fibromyalgia since sleeping on it. I recommend this mattress highly!